CS198 and 199 (Special problems I and II) AY 2016 to 2017
18 Jul: Welcome to the webpage for the CS198 and 199 under ACLab for AY 2016 to 2017. We will update (oldest at the top, newest at the bottom!) this page for announcements, files, etc. relevant to CS198 and 199.
The LaTeX report template for CS198 is now available in a zip file HERE.
Due in September (subject to graduate student or faculty supervisor's approval):
DRAFT of: Section 1 Background of the Study, Section 2 Theoretical Framework.
Due in October:
Draft of Sections 3 Related work, 4 Problem Statement, 5 Significance of the study.
Due in First Half of November:***14 November: DRAFT of complete (all 8 sections) of proposal.
Please submit in a ZIP file your source files (e.g. .tex file(s)) including the compiled PDF file.
Compilation Warnings only please, no errors!
Please coordinate with your supervising faculty member(s) or graduate student(s) for specific details of your proposal.
Once you submit your draft, we will provide comments.
***28 November: Proposal defense (oral presentation).
The comments for your DRAFT proposal must be included here. Presentation should last around 20 to 40minutes.
Draft of Sections 6 Objectives of the Study, 7 Scope and Limitations of the Study, 8 Research plan.
03 Nov: Our remaining schedule so far:
***14 November: DRAFT of complete (all 8 sections) of proposal.
Please submit in a ZIP file your source files (e.g. .tex file(s)) including the compiled PDF file.
Compilation Warnings only please, no errors!
Please coordinate with your supervising faculty member(s) or graduate student(s) for specific details of your proposal.
Once you submit your draft, we will provide comments.
***28 November: Proposal defense (oral presentation).
The comments for your DRAFT proposal must be included here.
Presentation should last around 20 to 40minutes.
Let us know if you have doubts or concerns.
18 Jan: The following is the schedule for CS199 at ACLab:
MARCH: mid-sem progress presentation. This presentation will be done with your supervisors (faculty member(s), grad student(s)) to check the progress of your research. Your progress will be evaluated based on the deliverables (i.e. outputs) and schedule that you provided in your CS198 proposal presentation from last semester. We will update the schedule for this soon.
MAY: final presentation. The tentative date is either the first or second week of May. We will update the schedule for this soon.
Any doubts or concerns, please let me (Francis) or your supervisor(s) know. Thanks!
10 March: UPDATE on midsem presentation of progress. ONLY for P systems groups, the presentation will be on 20 March, 2017, from 10AM to 12PM. For the other groups, please check with your supervisors.
CS199 (sem 2) schedule
CS198 (sem 1) schedule